Social Icons

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

How to Make icons background transparent in Windows XP

If you’ve been wondering why your XP desktop icons have a background color, you’ll be glad to know you can flip a checkbox and have them go back to a normal transparent background.
See the two below:
icons with backgroundicons without background
To set the transparent background on the icons, we’ll need to open System Properties in Control Panel (or right-click on My Computer and select Properties).
system properties 343
In this dialog, click the Advanced tab, and then the Settings button under the Performance section.
Now scroll down to the button where you’ll find a checkbox for “Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop”. Make sure you check this box if you want transparent backgrounds on the icons.
Why this option isn’t just labeled “Enable Transparent Icons On the Desktop”, I just can’t say.
if checking it doesn’t fix your problem there is another step you must do. Follow this procedure:
Control Panel > Display > Desktop > Customize Desktop > Web > Uncheck everything here > OK > Apply

Parents Connection With Child Facebook Account - Infographic

If you're parents of your children than you must aware of merits and demerits of having Facebook account and its usage from children’s. Most of the parents avoid to use Facebook because they don’t have much time to spend but their children’s do and many parents wants to keep an eye on their children’s Facebook account to track what their children’s are doing on Facebook. According to the latest research from lab42, 92 percent of parents are on Facebook to keep notice their children activities on Facebook and they are actually friends with their children.

The major reason behind usage of Facebook from parents is to connect with their children over the online social network is safety and securities. The research suggests that a marginally higher percentage of parents are worried that their children are bullying others on Facebook. 72 percent of parents know their child’s Facebook account and passwords, while 31 percent parents monitor their child accounts four or five times a week but most parents check their child’s Facebook activities on a daily basis.
Have a look at following Infographic from lab42 to know more about Parents Behavior, Reaction and Connection on their child's Facebook account.

Download and Install Android Apps Directly from Google+ Plus Post Stream

Android Apps from Google Plus

Google is now allowing its Android Smartphone, Tablet and Desktop device users to Download and Install Android Apps Directly from Google+ Plus Post Stream instead of visiting Google Play or Android Market for the installation of Android Applications. Whenever a Google+ Plus user (a Social Networking Website from Google) pasted a Google Play Application link as a new post or status into its Google+ Plus Stream, an 'Install' or 'Buy' Button will be placed and visible to that particular Google+ Plus Post and whenever any user clicked on that post or link it will take a user to Google Play store with a prompt to Purchase or Directly Install the app to an Android device.
