The first, we need setupConfigure IP Address at lab machines as figure 1
Join server ISA-msviet to DCmsviet (msviet.com)
Join server ISA-vispro to Dcvispro (vispro.com)
Step 2:
At ISA-msviet create new user: vispro / password
At ISA-vispro create new user: msviet / password
At the moment, confer these user have allow access in Dial-in Tab
Step 3:
Install Isa 2006 standar to ISA-msviet and ISA-vispro
Configure ISA rule, the following figure:
The IP range: – (customize) is virtual range IP which assigned automatic for clientvpn access to Internal (
To continue, select Remote sites Tab: create new connection
Note: site name = username which create at last step, here( ISA-mviet) sitename= vispro
Select Point-to-Point at next table.
In table Remote Site Gateways, enter the IP Address of Remote site VPN server that allow Internal connect out site, here we type – interface WAN in ISA-vispro.
Click next, we to Remote Authentication tab, at that type user remote is created out site (vispro) – msviet / password
The part Network Address, specify IP range Internal on out site, at here we type -
To continue, click next and select protocol (all outbound traffic), the end click finish.
Step 4:
Right mouse on Virtual Private Network and select properties, at tab access network we tick EXT, vispro as following figure:
Ok, we configure successful in ISA-msviet. Analog simulator, we’ll configuration on server ISA-vispro
Step 5: at both ISA server,
Start Routing and Remote access, ensure Network interface is connected
Note, in ISA2006, we must edit system policy on Firewall Policy ( both isa server)
Now, we can access resource from site msviet to site vispro.a
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