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Thursday, 6 September 2012

How to Easy Delete or Rename Blogger Labels

You've got blogger labels you don't need anymore.You want to delete or rename them?
Logon to On the dashboard, click Edit Posts.

On the Edit Posts screen, click Select: All (very important). Then drop down the Label Actions menu, scroll down and you'll find a Remove Label heading with a list of all your labels appearing under it.To delete one, click on it! You'll have to remove each label one after the other.I don't think there's a one-click solution to delete all labels at a time.

I don't also think there's a one-click solution to rename/edit a label name.Simply delete/remove the label and create another with a new name.

To create a new label, just drop down the Label Actions menu, scroll down and you'll find the New Label
heading, click on it and a dialog box prompts you to enter your new label name.Enter a name and click Ok. That's it.It's that easy!


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